Training and Consultation (TaC)
The mission of ARIN’s Training and Consultation (TaC) Team is to support Pennsylvania's special education regulations and initiatives by partnering with our local education agencies to build their capacity to provide both preventive interventions and quality special education services and programs that promote student success.
Training and Consultation services are federally funded through IDEA Part B, and are available to all public school entities. ARIN’s TaC Team provides information and training on PA Chapter 14 (special education) components to teachers, educational specialists, administrators, paraprofessionals, parents, and families. These components include academic, behavioral, and functional interventions to meet student needs, IEP writing, and post-school planning.
The TaC Team facilitates schools’ access to current information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), PDE’s Bureau of Special Education (BSE) and the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN). The TaC Team provides information and training via workshops (on-site in school districts and at the ARIN office), modeling and guided practice, family and student-centered meetings (such as IEP and interagency meetings), grade level meetings, study groups, and individual consultation. TaC team members are prepared and available to facilitate system-wide planning and implementation of initiatives such as Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) and school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS). In addition, the TaC team manages lending libraries that include assessments, curricula, materials, equipment, videos, and books.
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ARIN TaC Team Members: 724-463-5300
Assistive Technology
Secondary Transition/SPDG
Unable to reach a TaC?
Jayna Greenfield
ext. 1107
Megan Disher
Inclusive Practices
Amanda Anderson
Mariha Shields
ext. 1231
Nicole Cornman
ext. 1212
Adrienne Stiteler
ext. 1105
Contact Regina Madey
Secretary Specialist
ext. 1221